
Login with email address? (General)

by Micha ⌂, Friday, March 05, 2021, 16:36 (1239 days ago) @ Auge

Hello Auge,

On the other hand a forum operator could uncover socket puppets. ;-)

I believe, this collision only exists in rare cases. I add the UNIQUE property to the user_email field. Moreover, the user_name field was also not a UNIQUE field. I removed the INDEX and add UNIQUE, too, #567.

I think, we cannot avoid searching for every single occurence and check the necessity of surpressing an error message instead of handling the hypothetical error.

It is not a problem to look for @mysqli. But, if the statement is e.g.:

$result = @mysqli_query($connid, "SELECT ....)

how should the modification looks like?


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