
Login with email address? (General)

by Auge ⌂, (1440 days ago) @ Micha


FYI: I checked the behavior of the forum software. Mylittelforum also checks the email-address during the registration procedure. If the email is already used, an error is thrown, i.e.,
There is already a user with this e-mail address.

I encountered this a few times in my testing forum and was therefore a bit surprised about the contrary statement in your previous posting.

HOWEVER, if a user is registered, it is possible to change the email address. In this case, the new mail address is surprisingly not checked against existing ones. I will open a ticket because it is inconsistent.

You are absolutely right. This is an error.

By the way. I saw your several commitments to the repo of the last few days. Great work! Thank you.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

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