
Invitation for update of translations (French) - done (Development)

by Auge ⌂, Wednesday, February 21, 2024, 12:27 (157 days ago) @ akakima


Things that may cause problems:

1) mailto_user = 'Envoyer un email à [user]'

This key and exact same value appears in 2 sections ([user] & [user_show]).
It produce 2 identical lines:
mailto_user = 'Envoyer un email à [user]'
mailto_user = 'Envoyer un email à [user]'

How the diff program will proceed this?

These duplicate keys are part of different blocks (in this case [user] and [user_show]) that are used in different cases. They are therefore not a problem as long as the script only loads one of these blocks at a time. Even duplicate keys in the same block would lead to the second block overwriting the first one. So the content of the first key would get lost.

2) [[here]] has been translated in [[ici]]. Is this Ok ?
update_download = 'Si vous n\'avez pas ces fichiers vous pouvez les télécharger [[ici]].'

Is the name "here" processed by MLF or can it be anything ?

Therfore I had to inspect the scripts and language files myself. :-) I haven't been asked this question for several years. The english language file answers the question in it's head (the highlighting was done by me).

# English language file for my little forum 2.4                                #
# - strings to display on the site or an e-mail are enclosed in single quotes  #
# - don't modify or translate the section names like "[general]" or "[entry]"! #
# - placeholders in square brackets (e.g. "[name]") will be replaced by values #
#   automatically - don't modify or translate them!                            #
# - words in double square brackets (e.g. "click [[here]]") are transformed    #
#   into hyperlinks - should be translated (e.g. "haga click [[aquí]]")        #
# - strings that span more than one line (E-Mail texts) are enclosed in triple #
#   quotes (e.g. """Hi,                                                        #
#   how are you?""")                                                           #
# - more details about the file format:                                        #
#   http://www.smarty.net/docs/en/config.files.tpl                             #

So the translation is correct in this point.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

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