
Invitation for update of translations (French) - done (Development)

by Auge ⌂, (318 days ago) @ akakima


edit_user_where_to_open_links = 'Les liens dans les <em>entrées</em> doivent-ils s\'ouvrir dans des fenêtres ou des onglets de navigateur identiques ou différents?'

Is the position of the question mark (at the hidden end of the line) correct?
As far as I know, in french language one puts a space in front of the question mark and in other questions and also in sentences with an exclamatiopn mark you put the space in front of these characters. What's with dots (.) as end characters of a sentencte?

You are right. ! and ? need a space before.
?, !, and . mark the end of a phrase.
Also, phrase must begin with an upper case character.
For dots, no space before it. One space after it.

In German language there is no space before any Punctuation mark. Beside of that, the rules are the same.

I opened a pull request on Github. Currently it's a draft. After clearing the above question(s) and your OK I'll commit it.

I will do some more research & verification. And will produce a new revised version.

Thank you.

The file will be better than the previous one, but wont be perfect !

Nothing is perfect. All translations are not perfect, most are not even complete. Even the German translation is not perfect, even if German language is the mother tongue of the main participants.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

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