Version 2.4.23, problems with icon's placement (NOT AGAIN!) (General)

by WorldofBB, Monday, October 05, 2020, 00:25 (1391 days ago) @ shian
edited by WorldofBB, Monday, October 05, 2020, 00:45

I replied to this initially with a suggestion that it might be a local caching issue because I wasn't seeing the issue on your site at first. I deleted my initial reply when I realized my mistake.

The problem occurs only in thread view, and it affects this site as well.

The problem is because the p.right class is used in, but it isn't used in either thread template:

Which is why the padding isn't being applied in either of the thread views.


As a workaround, you could change line 61 in style.min.css to this:

p.right a.rss,div.small a.rss{padding-left:15px}

That should work fine, but I'm guessing the devs would want to do this a little differently since I'm noticing that there is some manual styling on these entries that should probably be converted to a css class at the same time.


The relevant code is here: - line 91
{if $settings.rss_feed==1}<div class="small" style="text-align:right;"><a class="rss" href="index.php?mode=rss&amp;thread={$tid}" title="{#rss_feed_thread_title#}">{#rss_feed_thread#}</a></div>{/if}

thread_linear_inc.tpl - line 87
{if $settings.rss_feed==1}<div class="small" style="text-align:right;"><a class="rss" href="index.php?mode=rss&amp;thread={$tid}">{#rss_feed_thread#}</a></div>{/if}

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