
Version 2.4.23, problems with icons and its placement (General)

by Micha ⌂, Friday, October 02, 2020, 08:36 (1394 days ago) @ shian


I took a look to your forums. I notice a different HTML structure for the footer:

The old structure reads (taken from /forum/):

<div id="footer">
<div id="footer-1">51 Postings in 9 Threads, 3 registered users, 4 users online (0 registered, 4 guests)<br />
Forum time: 2020-10-02, 08:25 (UTC)</div>
<div id="footer-2">
<ul id="footermenu">
<li><a class="rss" href="index.php?mode=rss" title="RSS Feed of all new postings">RSS Postings</a> &nbsp;<a class="rss" href="index.php?mode=rss&amp;items=thread_starts" title="RSS Feed of thread starting postings only">RSS Threads</a></li></ul></div>

versus (the new one in /forum-2/)

<div id="footer">
<div id="footer-1">51 Postings in 9 Threads, 3 registered users, 4 users online (0 registered, 4 guests)<br />
Forum time: 2020-10-02, 08:26 (UTC)</div>
<div id="footer-2">
<ul id="footermenu">
 <li><a href="#top" class="go-to-top-link" title="Go back to top of the page">To top</a></li>
 <li><a class="rss" href="index.php?mode=rss" title="RSS Feed of all new postings">RSS Postings</a></li>
 <li><a class="rss" href="index.php?mode=rss&amp;items=thread_starts" title="RSS Feed of thread starting postings only">RSS Threads</a></li></ul>

Since the footer was re-structured by a list (Thanks to Auge for this semantic change!), the corresponding CSS must be adapted, too. There are several changes in CSS-file not only the role a.rss, cf. #530, #531, and #533.

Both forums include the same CSS file (because of using the global variable {$FORUM_ADDRESS}/{$THEMES_DIR}/{$theme} in template) but use different HTML structure for the footer.


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