
Release of version 2.4.17 (General)

by Auge ⌂, (2225 days ago) @ Auge


One year and one day and ten additional subversions.

We fixed a small number of bugs and added a few small features that will be mainly interesting for forum operators/admins.

- A user is able to close her/his own account from now on. Until version 2.4.16 this was a solely task for a forum administrator.
- The possibility to enforce an anew acceptance of the data privacy statement and/or the terms of use for the case of changes in the statements. This was possible before only with a database query to remove the existing database entries of the date of acceptance in the user data. The function got now UI elements in the user management page in the admin panel.
- Setting for the minimal and maximal possible time between requesting a form and sending the filled form back to the forum-server. The main purpose of the function is to block spam robots that sends the fields within milliseconds after requesting the form. The settings are named min_posting_time and max_posting_time for creating a posting, min_register_time and max_register_time for a user registration and min_email_time and max_email_time for writing an e-mail. Currently the minimal values are all set to 5 (seconds) and the maximum values to 10800 seconds (180 minutes/3 hours). We are interested in experiences of and opinions about good values for the three cases.
- The administrator of a forum is able to enforce new rules for the quality of passwords. This function complements the setting for the minimal number of chars in a password. The minimal number of lowercase letters, capital letters, ciphers and "special" chars can be set by the admin separately. A value of 0 disables the particular check. The settings are disabled by default. While the function should work with latin based input, our checks with other char systems was limited to checks with examples from our language files for chinese and tamil. We hope for field reports from forum operators from these and other countries with non-latin-based char systems.

You can download the new release 2.4.17 from Github or, if you have already installed a 2.4-release, from the menu page of your forums admin area.

Please report any problems with the new version here.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

release, 2.4

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