
Release of version 2.4.9 (General)

by Auge ⌂, Friday, April 13, 2018, 15:51 (2296 days ago) @ Auge


We fixed a few bugs, namely …

- … the März-bug that affects only forums in german language and not all of them (server configuration issue) and …
- … a few issues with the handling of avatars.

New micro features are …

- … that the mouse cursor get displayed as pointer (in most operating systems it's shown as a hand (like over links)) when hovering over labels for form elements and …
- … that the HTML-elements for images in forum entries with an uploaded images as it's source will contain from now on the images dimensions (width and height in pixels). This prevents the jumping of the page content during the load process because of unknown image dimensions for these images. This works only for uploaded images in the default upload directory (images/uploaded). The dimensions of images from other sources stays unknown to the forum script and can therefore not get included into the HTML-source code. These images will still cause jumping of the content.

You can download the new release 2.4.9 from Github or, if you have already installed a 2.4-release, from the menu page of your forums admin area.

Please report any problems with the new version here.

Tschö, Auge

[edit]: Reformatted the entry, was IMHO a unreadable text blob.

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

release, 2.4

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