
Release of version 2.4.3 (General)

by Auge ⌂, Monday, July 10, 2017, 02:28 (2649 days ago) @ Auge
edited by Auge, Monday, July 10, 2017, 02:47


We worked on the performance of the database requests and made a big step forward mainly with the help of danielb987 (thank you). Additionally we fixed a few bugs, reported by RaHa, danielb987, Magma and Baris. I hope, I didn't forgot one of you important helping hands. Thank you all.

You can download the new release 2.4.3 from Github or, if you have already installed a 2.4-release, from the menu page of your forums admin area.

Please be aware of two changes in the settings. The settings max_read_items and read_state_expiration_date are gone! Instead we introduced the settings of read_state_expiration_method and read_state_expiration_value.

With read_state_expiration_method you set the method to remove outdated entries of user X read entry Y.

- 0: a read status of an entry, read by a user will remain for the life time of the forum (we have actually no experience with the infuence to performance or data size! please test the function)
- 1: number of entries per user (was setting max_read_items before, default value was increased from 200 to 500!)
- 2: number of days until an entry outdates
- 3: remove entries in the moment, when a thread will be automatically locked

With read_state_expiration_value you set the value for read_state_expiration_method values 1 and 2. When the status should be removed with the automatic locking of threads, the value of the days until locking (setting auto_lock_old_threads) will be used instead.

Please report any problems with the new version here.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

release, 2.4

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