Test-3 for block [rtl] ... [/rtl] (General)

by shian, Sunday, March 15, 2020, 03:12 (1670 days ago) @ Micha
edited by shian, Sunday, March 15, 2020, 03:38

Thank you Micha,

Can you check the last modification in my forum?

Yes, I did - both line-break and smiles are working great.

BTW, [list] and [TeX] and other BBcodes are working as expected.

The test code:

Some text in English...

[b]Some bold text in English...[/b]

[link=https://mylittleforum.net/]Link in English...[/link]

קצת טקסט בעברית... and in English! וחזרה לעברית???

English text & [link=https://www.rapideuphoria311.com/forum/][color=#3f3][i][b]טקסט בעברית[/b][/i][/color][/link]!! :-) 

מכשיר Wi-Fi בתדר 2.45Ghz! {/test}.

מכשיר Wi-Fi בתדר 2.45Ghz :-D ! איננו תקני.
[b]קצת טקסט [i][color=#f60]בעברית[/color][/i]... and in [i][color=#3c0]English[/color][/i] (bold)??[/b]
[link=https://www.rapideuphoria311.com/]קצת טקסט [i][b]בעברית[/b][/i]... :-) [/link] and in [b]English[/b] :-)  (with link) ועוד טקסט בעברית!!

[b][color=#939]Back to LTR mode[/color][/b]
חזרה לשמאל לימין

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