Test for block [rtl] ... [/rtl] (General)
Thank you...
I've tested in preview mode the following text (inside the code
It works well. I've compared it to https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_dir.asp and it works exactly the same.
The only problem is that I could not insert another BBcode within the [rtl]
block, such as [b]
, etc (yet it works as HTML, e.g. [rtl]<b>...</b>[/rtl]
works, while [rtl][b]...[/b][/rtl]
does not work - the BBcode is treated as regular text).
Thanks a lot.
Some text in English...
[b]Some bold text in English...[/b]
[link=https://mylittleforum.net/]Link in English...[/link]
קצת טקסט בעברית... and in English! וחזרה לעברית???
English text & טקסט בעברית!!
מכשיר Wi-Fi בתדר 2.45Ghz! {/test}.
מכשיר Wi-Fi בתדר 2.45Ghz! איננו תקני.
<b>קצת טקסט בעברית... and in English (bold)??</b>
[b/]קצת טקסט בעברית... and in English (bold)??[b]
[/b]קצת טקסט בעברית... and in English (bold)??[b]
[b]קצת טקסט בעברית... and in English (bold)??[/b]
[link=https://www.rapideuphoria311.com/]קצת טקסט בעברית... and in English (with link) ועוד טקסט בעברית!![/link]
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