
unsubscribe link in notification e-mail in 2.4.14/2.4.15 (Project organisation)

by Auge ⌂, Wednesday, December 05, 2018, 10:29 (2061 days ago) @ Magma


Would it be enough to provide an unsubscribing link in the e-mail-notification? An addition with a higher effort would be to provide a page with a list of subscriptions in the users profile. I know, the best would be to have both ways but I want to limit the effort to the necessary.

IMHO it's worth to implement the link in the e-mail first and to add the page afterwards.

Personally I'm just happy with a link in the notification email that the guest or user can click on or copy and paste to unsubscribe from further notifications.

The unsubscribe link was implemented for the (buggy) MLF version 2.4.14 and works now with version 2.4.15.

A page with a subscriptions list would be a nice enhancement but IMHO it would need a rework of the personal menu (default theme: top right corner of the page above the search bar) which got a large width with the links to the entries and the bookmarks list anyway. It would be nice to put these links and a hypothetical link to the subscriptions list into a submenu but I would like it to implement it to work with and without JavaScript. I've no idea how to do this without a unnecessary high effort.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

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