Discussion about bug fixing and planned features for mlf 2.5 (Project organisation)
I still would like to see categories name as a parent-name?
Hmm, a really nice idea. But what should we do with (then) old styled links (i.e. https://mylittleforum.net/forum/index.php?mode=index&category=7) that was posted anywhere in- and outside a forum in the (then) past? It would mean to have and to nurse two parsers. At least for me a not really nice idea but it's worth to be discussed.
Would like to see the option to add Tables, in a simplest way possible, no need to be complicated and too much customizable
Add tables to what, the database or the posting with BB-Code?
If you talk about BB-code-based tables, we discussed that before (german language) and my personal experience (I also shared there) tells me to prevent such complicated structures. Even an implementation in the "simplest way possible", uncomplicated and not "too much customizable" is often to complicated to handle for the audience.
Much more simple and significantly less fault-prone is an ASCII-table in a [pre]
-block like Milo proposed it.
Datum | Termin | Bemerkung
15.01.17 | Tabellen | Diskussion über das Für und Wider von BB-Code-generierten Tabellen
17.01.17 | Feierabend | aber erst um fünf Uhr abends
18.01.17 | Aufstehen | schon wieder morgends *gnarf*
resulting in:
Datum | Termin | Bemerkung 15.01.17 | Tabellen | Diskussion über das Für und Wider von BB-Code-generierten Tabellen 17.01.17 | Feierabend | aber erst um fünf Uhr abends 18.01.17 | Aufstehen | schon wieder morgends *gnarf*
Easy menu to apply/change forum colors by inserting the HEX (#FF5733)
(possibly the logo-text and usernames)
An absolutely no from my side. When one wants to change the layout and/or colours, one can change or add a theme. I know, that this is much more than only a bit of work, but the theme is the right place to work on it. We currently have exactly 130 setting items. I'm not willing to add further five to ten new settings now and to add further settings every time a forum operator wants to change a further thingamabob in the forum styles per setting for something, that can be done in another and proper way (in the CSS of the theme).
Tschö, Auge
Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!