
Release thread for version branch 2.5 (General)

by Auge ⌂, Saturday, June 01, 2019, 21:10 (1882 days ago)


As we did it before with the 2.4-branch, we open now a pinned thread for the version branch 2.5. We will merge here the announcements for all versions, alpha, beta and stable releases.

The project forum in itself got no update to version 2.5 until the first stable version release.

Stay tuned.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

2.5, release


Release of version, testing release

by Auge ⌂, Saturday, June 01, 2019, 21:57 (1882 days ago) @ Auge


I'm proud to announce the first public testing version for My Little Forum 2.5, named You can in principle update a forum with a starting point of version or 2.4.20. No older versions are supported. I tested an update from 2.4.20 and it worked. But it is strongly recommended to test the script as a separate installation. You can add existing content to the testing forum after its installation.

Until now we introduced only some of the features, that got discussed in example in this thread. We will add further features and refinements of existing features during the testing phase.

What did we add until now:

- add an upload management page in the admin area, list all uploaded images, delete images groupwise after selection
- store information about the user who uploads a new image in a new database table
- replace the optional TeX support through the abandoned Google web service with the MathJax library (one has to install the lib or choosing it from a CDN and to provide the URL to the lib via the advanced settings manually)
- restrict access to the user list page to the forum team (administrators and moderators)
- allow topics to be pinned/sticked to the certain category (classic way) or to all categories
- Bayes based spam filter, this has to be activated and works locally without contact to a foreign service
- change the charset of most of the tables and text columns to support 4-byte-characters, i.e. emojis


- all fixes, that got introduced in the 2.4 version branch
- relative pathes in the src-attribute of images in the RSS feed made the images inaccessible in the feed, the fix was provided by Mardor


- the Google web service for TeX support
- the flash-bb-code-button

Known issues:

- informations about existing uploaded images will currently not be added to the upload table, only informations about new uploads will be stored there
- if one deletes uploaded images from the new upload management page the informations, stored tin the upload table, will not get deleted
- a pinned thread, created in a restricted category (access for registered users or the forum team only), will be shown in the main views to the whole possible audience (depends on forum settings), even the access to the postings in itself gets restricted (when opening them)

Please take into account, that the required minimal version of the MySQL server is 5.5.3 from now on. This is because of the changed default charset of utf8mb4 in many of the tables and text columns.

A few words about the Bayes based statistical spam filter. You have to enable it in the spam protection page of the admin area, point "B8". You will have to check your forum very often in the first few days to classify every posting manually as spam or ham (depends on traffic in the forum, open the posting to classify it). After a few (10 to 30) postings you will see, that the script classifies the postings alone and normally with a lowering amount of wrong decisions. With a trained filter you are able to renounce one or several of the other methods, mainly the ones that needs to send data to third party services (Stop Forum Spam and Akismet).

Notes for updaters

If you want to test an update of an existing installation (not recommended at the moment), please make a backup of the database and the installation itself before –or better– make a parallel test installation of your existing version and upgrade the test- instead your live-forum.

Attention: The update is only possible when the existing installation is a version or 2.4.20!

Attention: Use the update file update/update_2.4.19.1-2.5.php

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

2.5, release, beta,


Version, updatable but not installable

by Auge ⌂, Tuesday, June 04, 2019, 11:15 (1880 days ago) @ Auge


Because of my organisational blindness I missed a bit of code to change and a typo in the SQL code for the installation script. It was reported yesterday and the reporter and the team works on a solution. Thatswhy it is possible to update to the version from versions or 2.4.20 (Please do it with a testing installation but not with your live system!) but it's impossible to do a fresh installation of version

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!


Release of version, testing release, with EDIT

by Auge ⌂, Tuesday, September 24, 2019, 20:29 (1767 days ago) @ Auge


I'm proud to announce the next public testing version for My Little Forum 2.5, named We skipped version which was inofficially available directly from the master branch.

Changes from to

- All database tables are of type InnoDB from now on.
- The listing of spam entries for forum team members is part of the main view and not a possible view in the search results page from now on.
- After storing an entry after it's creation that was classified as possible spam we generally redirect to the single posting view to show a message about the situation.
- several database columns got a smaller size. This is because they should store UTF-8 with four bytes and have an index at the same time. The indexes for text fields istself are limited in their size what limits the possible size of the text fields. We limited the sizes of the columns mlf2_userdata.user_name, mlf2_tags.tag, mlf2_b8_wordlist.token to 128 characters.
- A registered user can decide for whom se/he is contactable about the forums e-mail-based contact function.
- The forum is now able to send e-mails via a SMTP-function. That's currently a proof of concept and the configuration is located in config/php_mailer.php but not accessible in the admin area.
- The forum operator can decide if registerd and unregisterde users should be able to set tags for postings.
- Send the notification e-mails only, if the entry was classified as ham (not as possible spam).

There was only a few changes from to So we corrected several queries in the installation and in the update scripts, fixed a bug that made it possible to see postings, classified as spam, when one wrote self a posting that was classified as spam in the same thread. The last change affected the uninstalling-function in the admin script, that contains from now on the new tables when dropping the database content and tables.

Please take into account, that the required minimal version of the MySQL server is 5.5.3 from now on. This is because of the changed default charset of utf8mb4 in many of the tables and text columns.

Notes for updating admins

If you want to test an update of an existing installation (not recommended at the moment), please make a backup of the database and the installation itself before –or better– make a parallel test installation of your existing version and upgrade the test- instead your live-forum.

Attention: The update is only possible when the existing installation is a version up to 2.4.24!

Attention: Use the update file update/update_2.4.19.1-2.5.php

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!


Release of version, testing release

by Micha ⌂, Wednesday, September 25, 2019, 08:50 (1767 days ago) @ Auge


We skipped version which was inofficially available directly from the master branch.

There was only a few changes.

If you list the changes to the not existing, there are a lot of changes like SMTP mail.


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Release notes for amended

by Auge ⌂, Wednesday, September 25, 2019, 10:46 (1767 days ago) @ Micha


We skipped version which was inofficially available directly from the master branch.

There was only a few changes.

If you list the changes to the not existing, there are a lot of changes like SMTP mail.

I'm very sorry. Meanwhile I added it here and in the release entry on Github.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!


First release in the version branch 2.5, 20220508.1 🚀

by Auge ⌂, Sunday, May 08, 2022, 20:16 (810 days ago) @ Auge


After a very long time with only slow or no progress we got it! Here we are with a brand new version of My Little Forum 2. The new version comes with full UTF-8-support including emojis like 💥🎉👍 and with the compatibility with PHP up to the 8.1.x branch.

Beside these main features, there are several features and featurettes. A forum operator is able to specify a target for opening links in forum entries as a forum setting for the case that the forum runs in a frameset or an iframe. On the other hand a registered forum user is able to specify, that links in entries should open in the same browser wirdow/tab or in a new window/tab, possibly differentiated if the link leads to an internal or external site.

The forum can be configured to send e-mails with the class PHPMailer, which is able to send the e-mails via SMTP. This has to be configured by hand in the file config/php_mailer.php. A further remarkable feature is the local spam filtering which works with a Bayes algorithm. You and your teams in your forums have to train this filter by manual classification of entries as ham or spam. It will get better with more classification input from you. It will make the use of external spam classification services obsolete in the long run.

Because of the abandoned Google service for rendering LaTeX formulas it got replaced with the option to use the MathJax library. To make it possible to lower the dependencies for external services a further bit, an administrator has to provide only a link to a MathJax-instance, self hosted or from an external service (i.e. a CDN). Then it has only to be activated by a second, boolean forum setting.

Pinned threads can be restricted to a specific category as before or can be displayed in all categories.

To clean up the list of registered users, the forum sends an e-mail to a user after a certain time of inactivity (default: 3 years). In case of no reaction after a specified period (default: 30 days), the inactive account will be deleted.

The forum has now a simple image upload management. A forum operator/administrator can list the images and can delete them groupwise. For new uploaded images the forum stores meta information as the time and the ID of the uploader (if registered and logged in). It is planned to enhance the functionality.

Attention: The forums own backup feature has gone. This was planned because it was to often broken when a new feature changed the database structure and we forgot to adapt it to the backup code. With an external tool like phpMyAdmin (for example) a changed database structure is no issue at all. So please use such a tool for backups.

Also gone os the BB-Code-button for Flash and its interpretation. Even old forum entries with embeddings of Flash-content will not work anymore.

There are a few obsoleted files: js/admin.js and its compressed comrade admin.min.js and the subdirectory includes/classes. Please delete them after (!) the succeeded upgrade.

With the first release of the 2.5-branch, we start with a new version numbering scheme. From now on we will use a date based numbering as shown at the end of the subject of this entry. Additionally we will provide an equivalent version number in the old scheme. For the current release 20220508.1 the equivalence is 2.5.0.

You can download the new release 20220508.1 from Github. For an update you will need at least a forum with the version or newer.

Please report any problems with the new version here or in the projects issues section on Github.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

2.5, release, 20220508.1


Release of version 20220509.1 (2.5.1)

by Auge ⌂, Monday, May 09, 2022, 19:37 (809 days ago) @ Auge


This is a first bugfix release in the 2.5-branch. As mentioned in another posting, I forgot to iron out a bug I found and fixed locally during the tests for the relase. This bug got now fixed by the Github user prbt2016, He also came across this unfixed bug and provided a pull request within a few hours. Thank you for your attention and your help.

The bug in itself affects only the update script.

Being on it, I harvested a few low hanging fruits (a translation and HTML/CSS-issues). The changes are noticed in the release message on Github where one also can download the package of the new release.

I'm sorry for the inconvinience of the broken upgrade script.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

2.5, release, bug, fix, bugfix, 20220508.1, 20220509.1


Release of version 20220517.1 (2.5.2)

by Auge ⌂, Tuesday, May 17, 2022, 20:22 (801 days ago) @ Auge


This is the next bugfix release in the 2.5-branch. After introducing of the feature to notify the users, that logged in for the last time more than 3 years ago, the project forum sent hundreds of e-mails what caused the project page to get blacklisted because of sending spam. Thatswhy we limited the code to send only five e-mails per daily actions/per day to prevent the blacklisting.

Beside of that the Github user prbt2016 found a bug, that occurs only when installing the forum on a server with MySQL in versions 5.5 and 5.6. We recommend to use a newer MySQL version (at least 5.7 or MariaDB) but in case of a configuration with an older version of MySQL we want to prevent you as forum operators from not being able to use the 2.5-branch.

Additionally I came across a bug I introduced with the change from XHTML 1.0 to HTML (5) and the corresponding changes in CSS. On narrow screens/viewports the user menu was inaccessible because it slipped below the bottom border of the header because of the headers fixed height.

The changes are noticed in the release message on Github where one also can download the package of the new release.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

2.5, release, bug, fix, bugfix, 2.5.2, 20220517.1


Release of version 20220529.1 (2.5.3)

by Auge ⌂, Sunday, May 29, 2022, 20:01 (789 days ago) @ Auge


This is the next bugfix release in the 2.5-branch. We also introduced a new feature and begun the HTML and CSS-overhaul for the main section (between the submenu and the page footer). This is far from done but the main thrad listing views and the starting page of the admin panel in a smartphone browser should be less buggy now. Additionally we fixed an edge case in the function to delete a user account.

Known issue: When installing the forum, it is in some cases possible, that the installation succeeds but the redirect to the forum page fails with the error message "database unavailable". In this case you will see the URL of the forum in the address bar of the browser (i.e. https://www.example.org/forum or https://forum.example.org) without the trailing /install of the installation script. When refreshing the page, the forum works normally. We know this but we didn't find the cause til now.

The changes are noticed in the release message on Github where one also can download the package of the new release.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

2.5, release, bug, feature, fix, bugfix, B8, 2.5.3, 20220529.1, bayes

Release of version 20220529.1 (2.5.3)

by Holger @, Germany, Tuesday, August 02, 2022, 10:52 (725 days ago) @ Auge


I tried an upgrade from 2.4.24 to 2.5.3 on a staging site ( https://kigges.hwolf.de/ )
First issue with the db update script was a duplicated id in the userdata.useremail colum. I fixed this by deleting this user ;-)

After this the upgrade script was ok, but now all date strings a strange like this:

Forumszeit: %02.%08.%2022, %12:%Aug (Europe/Berlin)
Allgemeine Termine - holger, %09.%11.%2018, %13:%Nov […] [*] [○] [x] (Rund um Fußball)

It's with also with the default theme.

Any idea?



Release of version 20220529.1 (2.5.3)

by Auge ⌂, Tuesday, August 02, 2022, 12:29 (725 days ago) @ Holger


I tried an upgrade from 2.4.24 to 2.5.3 on a staging site ( https://kigges.hwolf.de/ )

After this the upgrade script was ok, but now all date strings a strange like this:

Forumszeit: %02.%08.%2022, %12:%Aug (Europe/Berlin)
Allgemeine Termine - holger, %09.%11.%2018, %13:%Nov […] [*] [○] [x] (Rund um Fußball)

It's with also with the default theme.

This has nothing to do with the theme in itself. The date format is defined in the language file. For gernam language these are the lines 17 and 18 in lang/german.lang.

How I searched for the cause:

In the version 20220529.1 the single entry page uses the key time_format_full to format the time. That does it since ages. But because of the deprecation of the function strftime we moved to the PHP-function date with the first version of the 2.5-branch, which was 20220508.1.

For comparision reasons:

- the code line #1658 in functions.inc.php of version 2.4.24
- the corresponding code line #1677 in functions.inc.php of version 20220508.1 (2.5.0)

While strftime wanted the (german) full date format in the format %A, %d.%m.%Y, %H:%M, the function date wants it as l, d.m.Y, H:i. And that differennce tells me, that you forgot to upload the language files (at least) for the new version.

Tschhö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!


Release of version 20220803.1 (2.5.4)

by Auge ⌂, Wednesday, August 03, 2022, 20:49 (723 days ago) @ Auge


This is the next bugfix release in the 2.5-branch. We also introduced a new feature, the possibility to upload images in the WebP format. We continued the HTML and CSS-overhaul for the user and options menus (in the page header and below the entries). Furtermore we fixed a few bugs.

Known issue: When installing the forum, it is in some cases possible, that the installation succeeds but the redirect to the forum page fails with the error message "database unavailable". In this case you will see the URL of the forum in the address bar of the browser (i.e. https://www.example.org/forum or https://forum.example.org) without the trailing /install of the installation script. When refreshing the page, the forum works normally. We know this but we didn't find the cause til now.

The changes are noticed in the release message on Github where one also can download the package of the new release.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

2.5, release, bug, feature, fix, bugfix, webp, 2.5.4, 20220803.1

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