
Manual approval of posts, input needed (General)

by Auge ⌂, Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 16:45 (3 days ago) @ Micha


What is about a checkbox, where the pre-selection of the box can be defined by the admin (forum settings). If one like to train the filter more often, the box is pre-selected, in any other case the box is not pre-selected.

I will implement it that way.

An additional idea: To prevent training with empty postings or such with only a few words, I will furthermore implement a value for minimal count of words to train B8. I would want to use 8 or 10 as initial value. Postings with lesser words will only marked as ham but they will not be used for training itself.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

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