
New anti spam features and their efficiency, @Micha (Technics)

by Micha ⌂, (2189 days ago) @ Auge


I activated the statistical spam filter (B8) and wrote five entries. The entries was claimed not to be spam

eid | spam | training_type
1 |    0 |             0
2 |    0 |             0
3 |    0 |             0
4 |    0 |             0
5 |    0 |             0

token    | count_ham | count_spam
b8*dbversion |         3 |       NULL
B8*texts     |         0 |          0

I've absolutely no clue, how to interpret the values. Ok, my entries seems to be no spam. But, are these entries the training data? Where are the found words? Does the filter work or not?

You have to train the filter manually. Currently, no trainings data are available (empty table mlf25_B8_wordlist) Open your five posting and flag them explicit as HAM or even SPAM. If you flag a posting, the mlf25_B8_wordlist should contain the words of the postings and a counter: How often a word was in a SPAM/HAM message?


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