My opinion about your tone (General)

by mario, Wednesday, April 07, 2010, 23:22 (5153 days ago) @ Auge


Smaty is another story. But there is also no need to be rude.

I beg to differ. The use of Smarty calls for all sorts of name calling.
Yes, it sells itself as the nonplusultra. But again, it doesn't contribute
anything useful. I would go so far and suggest MLF2 as a good example
against the use of Smarty.

[edit]: Two sentences about gettext: Gettext is not delivered as a standard library for PHP. What's about the questions of forum admins "Why the heck it don't work?"?

Doing it wrong then. There are at least two drop-in replacements for native
PHP gettext support ( Just include a lib,
and support is there. Either native or emulated.
PhpWiki also has a very clever gettext variant __().


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