
My opinion about your tone (General)

by Auge ⌂, Wednesday, April 07, 2010, 15:58 (5154 days ago) @ mario
edited by Auge, Wednesday, April 07, 2010, 16:03


See, there is no law against offending open source coders.

On the other side, there is no need to do it (that way).

My fault, your code. And free speech.

yes, no and yes.

(Would have sounded way more "impolite", if I had tried with Smarty.)

Smaty is another story. But there is also no need to be rude.

Anyway, no sorry.
But just delete it then if it's so unjustified.

That's not my decision. When this was my forum, I would say "said is said", I reacted and that's it.

And: Where the heck you know anything about the no reuse of code?

I'd happily stand corrected.
Yes, stock images. And obviously there are the modules/. And for sure I have seen a bit of lovely Smarty calls nicely sprinkled throughout the application logic. But these are just libraries. That ain't not no code reuse.

I don't know much of the code of mlf2. There are some libraries and classes from other authors, wich uses different licenses. As examples: the BB-Code-Parser-Class from Christian Seiler: GPL2, Bad Behaviour: GPL, Akismet: MIT, Geshi: GPL and so on and on and on.

If you want to distribute your own software wich uses this scripts (this is IMHO code reuse), you have to make a decision for a compatible license. That's a point you can't get around. Ahh ... point.

I was thinking about imported non-utility code from another forum/board software. Are there any shared code parts? Is any of the database tables compatible to anything else, for example? That would be interesting.

Yes, there is at least one function I have seen from another source (as said: I don't know the whole code).

[edit]: Two sentences about gettext: Gettext is not delivered as a standard library for PHP. What's about the questions of forum admins "Why the heck it don't work?"?

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

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