My opinion about your tone (General)

by mario, Tuesday, April 06, 2010, 20:49 (5154 days ago) @ Auge

Yes, I was being rude. :-(
But don't care much. :-P

See, there is no law against offending open source coders. And second I already wasted a little time on the futile effort of trying to rip the mysql_query() **** out. Futile.
Of course, in such situations you could just swallow the disgruntlement. But then I also felt a little entitlement to voice my bit of wasted time.

My fault, your code. And free speech.

(Would have sounded way more "impolite", if I had tried with Smarty.)

Anyway, no sorry.
But just delete it then if it's so unjustified.

And: Where the heck you know anything about the no reuse of code?

I'd happily stand corrected.
Yes, stock images. And obviously there are the modules/. And for sure I have seen a bit of lovely Smarty calls nicely sprinkled throughout the application logic. But these are just libraries. That ain't not no code reuse.
I was thinking about imported non-utility code from another forum/board software. Are there any shared code parts? Is any of the database tables compatible to anything else, for example? That would be interesting.

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