
Profile My Little Forum - some suggestions (General)

by Micha ⌂, Wednesday, March 22, 2017, 20:50 (2591 days ago) @ danielb987

Hi Daniel,

thank you for supporting us! I received your mail. I will answer you as soon as I have a reply from Auge.

After these new indexes, the status for me is as follows:

includes/index.inc.php, line 69: about 600 milliseconds

Okay, this query is related to the mlf2_entries

mlf2_entries.pid is already indexed --> nothing to optimize.
mlf2_entries.spam is already indexed --> nothing to optimize.
mlf2_entries.sticky is already indexed --> nothing to optimize.

mlf2_entries.time is not indexed:

ALTER TABLE `mlf2_entries` ADD INDEX(`time`);

mlf2_entries.last_reply is not indexed:

ALTER TABLE `mlf2_entries` ADD INDEX(`last_reply`);

includes/main.inc.php, line 339: about 600 milliseconds
includes/main.inc.php, line 336: about 120 milliseconds

Are you sure? mlf2_entries.pid, mlf2_entries.category as well as mlf2_entries.spam are indexed.

includes/index.inc.php, line 187: about 22 milliseconds
(this was the query that before took over 1 000 milliseconds)

Okay, I think, this one is optimized. ;-)

Kind regards,

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