MLF 1.7.3: Changed PHP 5.2 to 5.5 -> Empty titles and bodies (Technics)

by wo2010, Thursday, January 26, 2017, 14:36 (2739 days ago)


we are still using "My little forum" V. 1.7.3. Lack of knowledge and time let us running the "running system".

But the provider now forced us to switch from PHP 5.2 (Apache Modul) to PHP 5.5 (CGI/FPM). So I did a complete database backup and then changed the settings in the server administration.

After that in the forum there are a lot of missing tread titles. And (nearly) all message bodies are empty.

Besides of this it is possible to create new threads, but the amount of words or letters seems to be very delimited (like SMS). At least in the preview I've tested - one user just left a new noticable longer entry.

Does anybody remember this behavior? What happens behind the curtain? Where are the levers to repair our forum? (The server administration didn't offer an option to switch back to the old PHP version.)

I need some help please.

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards

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