
Is there a slide show? (General)

by Auge ⌂, Saturday, December 27, 2014, 13:36 (3415 days ago) @ L.Willms


But what about a slide show like those made with Lightbox, Slimbox and the like?

If necessary it's a task for the developer or an interested user to optimise the HTML and CSS code to support the *box-scripts.

That's what I am looking for. …

I use as the target Lightbox-software Slimbox (www.digitalia.be/software).

And there it begins. Wich *box should be supported, wich not? Because this question Alex can't deliver a for *box optimised HTML-source-code. I think, this decision and the code optimisations is the task of the user. The documentation and the structure of the templates should support the user in the best way.

Then the forum software would have to provide a query to enter a description or of the image, which would then be presented as value of the alt and title attributes of the a and img HTML tags, and would then be shown in the slide show as caption to the individual image.

That's possible but it complicates the task to embed an image. It's not a passing by action to embed an image anymore, when I have to provide additional informations.

This query could be a field in a HTML-form which queries both the URL of the image to be shown and the caption/description for it. User acceptance of the slideshow would be low if they would have to switch between the slideshow and the actual post to see the explanation of the image contents.

A question: How much users will use this function in a forum? At the moment your description sounds more like a description of a blog entry.

BTW, it might be useful to provide for the user to supply a separate URL for the thumbnail, if there is already a smaller version of the image available, as is the case for images found on commons.wikimedia.org

No, that's to much, to overcomplicated. The software should handle this automatically. If you choose [img=thumbnail] the script should choose the correct image and link the other correct image.

BTW, why is the "inline-code" text so small compared to the regular text?

CSS/size of the used font

It should have the same font size. This browser is configuret to show regular text at 11 point, and non-proportional text as Courier New at 13 pt size.

In my browser the inline code is a bit higher than the (as default IMHO to small) regular text.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

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