
My bug report re thumbnail and two additional bug reports (General)

by Micha ⌂, Tuesday, December 23, 2014, 16:35 (3419 days ago) @ Auge


Why the script handles the file size not in a similar manner?

As far as I know(!), you can only define the quality parameter (for jpg) of an image during the re-sizing process, but you can't define the final file size.

2. The image of the snow made arctic hare is a portrait photo. The script turns the photo unwanted to landscape format.

Really? The code seems to be okay:

// resize if too large:
if($width > $settings['upload_max_img_width'] || $height > $settings['upload_max_img_height']) {
  if($width >= $height) {
    $new_width = $settings['upload_max_img_width'];
    $new_height = intval($height*$new_width/$width);
  else {
    $new_height = $settings['upload_max_img_height'];
    $new_width = intval($width*$new_height/$height);
else {

Have a nice Christmas!

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