The Quotes (General)

by Manolino, Wednesday, April 04, 2012, 07:49 (4458 days ago)

Hi, im using this engine proudly. One thing i have overseen was the quotes. by earlear systems they was standartly switched "on". it was a good habit to go on them and clean up the useless texts to get the needfull things up.

so my suggestion is to keep them standartly on. belive me, that's better for the community!

was the only argument from the board users, that they miss the overvew hm?!

the oder side side is the style. they are "too complicated". i changed they'r colors, they are lila jet (the standart style is okay, but you have to much of this messy lightgrey, you know...) but i could not get the good old > - bracket in it :(

Manolino, bye

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