
New release (2.3) (General)

by Alex ⌂, Saturday, September 03, 2011, 07:50 (4640 days ago)

Hi there!

A new release is available: my little forum 2.3

There is nothing really noticeable new in this release (changelog), most changes are under-the-hood improvements and updates. The biggest change is the update of the Smarty template engine (version 2 to 3) and the necessary changes in the back end, templates and language files. Also, PHP 5 is required now (as Smarty 3 requires it).

Most of the language files are still incomplete but in most of them only a few strings are missing (search for <!-- TODO -->). If you translate them, please edit the file in the localization wiki (requires registration/login), send me the updated language file ( alex at mylittleforum dot net ) or post the translations here. Thank you!


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