Ignore Feature (Features)

by Per Bylund ⌂ @, (6255 days ago) @ Alex

Good idea. But do these guys always post with the same name / in the same category?

Actually, they do. They are usually even members. So an ignore feature that is based on 1) member name/login (or "Name" of poster) and 2) category of messages would be superb. But I realize this probably means more admin pages for individual users, since they would need somewhere to administer their "ignoring."

Oh yes, that's really ugly! It's caused by htmlspecialchars: " is converted into " - followed by a ")" it forms the smiley code ";)". Unfortunately I cannot just interchange the two functions as htmlspecialchars would then deactivate the HTML code for the smilies. A quick solution would be removing the smiley code ";)".

Oh, I see, that explains it. Darn.

Per Bylund


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