
Upgrade Failed — 2.4.24 to 20220803.1 (Development)

by Auge ⌂, Saturday, August 10, 2024, 12:26 (37 days ago) @ Vinayy

I even tried to upgrade from 2.4.24 to 20220803.1 in Wampserver but it is not getting upgraded and I am repeatedly getting the error:


  • Database error in line 381: Could not change column 'user_email' of table 'mlf2_userdata'. The resulting size of index 'user_email' would exceed the max key length of 1000 bytes.

Using version: 2.4.24
phpMyAdmin: 5.2.1
MySQL: 8.3.0
PHP ver: 7.3.33
Database Collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci and also tried utf8mb4_general_ci
Database: over 240 MB

Also the configuration of your database server seems very strict to me. I know, that very old MySQL-versions prior to 5.7.7, that allowed the use of utf8mb4…, was only able to provide index sizes, that was to small to index char and varchar columns larger than 192 bytes. That led to errors like yours because the size of the column mlf2_userdata.user_email is 255 Bytes. The index size limit was removed with MySQL-version 5.7.7 (should be around 3.5kB now). Because of this the upgrade script of version 20240729.1 checks for the version of MySQL or MariaDB to be at least 5.7.7 respectively 10.2.2 for MariaDB. The upgrade script for MLF version 20220803.1 lacks this check but in your case it is generally irrelevant because you MySQL version of 8.3 would pass this test.

Again, are you sure about the version of your database server? Is this possibly the result of an upgrade from a WAMP version with a MySQL-server of an very old version (prior to 5.7.7)? I really don't know, what to do about such a special case like yours.

Very odd.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

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