Finally upgrading our forum, and need some help. (General)

by Joe I, Saturday, March 18, 2023, 18:15 (496 days ago)
edited by Joe I, Saturday, March 18, 2023, 18:41

Hi all. Please, whatever you do, don't laugh, cry, or yell after reading further!

We have been using MLF for over a decade on our site, but have (arrgh), sadly, never performed an upgrade. I've taken on the task to attempt to migrate whatever information is possible (within generous reason). Posts would be of greatest priority; everything else would be nice, but secondary.

We are currently at version 2.0.2.
I've installed the latest version (20220803.1) on a migration server, and (rightly or wrongly) assume that we don't want to attempt an upgrade in place.

Has anybody ever tackled such a project, or have any general or specific guidance on how to begin such an undertaking?

I am extremely comfortable with administration of SQL (including MySQL) databases. I'd also likely be comfortable coding whatever may be necessary here, but am mostly looking for feedback from people telling me I'm insane for attempting this. Or, better yet, a couple attaboys and some clue on where to begin.

Thanks, Joe

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