MAIL not working (Technics)

by Jean-Michel2 @, Brussels, Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 23:07 (1977 days ago)

I noticed that the mail function is no longer working. It worked until recently and I did not upgrade since then. I have two forums (different versions) and they are hosted by the same host, so I guess it is rather linked to the host server. I would be glad to log a ticket to them, but what can I say ? What command is MLF using to send emails and is there a possibility that this is being blocked by the server ?

server PHP 5.4

What I noticed :
No automatic mail to admin & moderator when new posting
No mail on reply to my post
No credential mail to User created by Admin
No incoming mail to Admin for validation of New User.
No validation mail to user when changing email address
No incoming mail from user via the contact address

So, no mail at all, but also no error message.



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