forum is sending out spammails, plz help! (Technics)

by salvis, (2326 days ago)

The host provider of our homepage and forum makes a complaint to us due to my little forums sending out spam emails. We have temporarily disabled our forum to stop any activity till we could come to any solution. Could you suggest some?

forum is sending out spammails, plz help!

by candleman ⌂, (2324 days ago) @ salvis

The host provider of our homepage and forum makes a complaint to us due to my little forums sending out spam emails. We have temporarily disabled our forum to stop any activity till we could come to any solution. Could you suggest some?

Beschwert sich dein Hoster, oder ist es tatsächlich so ?
mein Hoster hat sich beschwert, weil die email_notification über den Server mit der Php Mailfunktion gelaufen ist. Das haben die als Massenmail bezeichnet, was beim Hoster nicht erlaubt sei. (das waren ca. 80-100 Emails am Tag)Der Hoster hatte mir deshalb die kurzfristige Kündigung angedroht.

Ich solle statt der Mailfunktion das mit smtp machen. WIe genau das einzubinden wäre, teilten sie mir aber nicht mit. Ich kenne das zwar von joomla, hier bei MLF ist das aber erst in der Planung.

Quick and dirty hab ich aus dem entsprechenden Template themes/default/subtemplates/ die Zeile 242
<input id="email_notification" type="checkbox" name="email_notification" value="1"{if $email_notification && $email_notification==1} checked="checked"{/if} />&nbsp;<label for="email_notification">{if $id==0}{#email_notific_reply_thread#}{else}{#email_notific_reply_post#}{/if}</label>
herausgenommen. Jetzt gibt es halt für unsere Forenuser diese Funktion nimmer.

Der Hoster hat jetzt keinen Klagegrund mehr und von unseren Usern hat sich nur einer beklagt.


forum is sending out spammails, plz help!

by Auge ⌂, (2320 days ago) @ salvis


The host provider of our homepage and forum makes a complaint to us due to my little forums sending out spam emails. We have temporarily disabled our forum to stop any activity till we could come to any solution. Could you suggest some?

The software is able to send e-mails to the forum operator via the contact-form (link in the footer of each page) and to each user, if she/he allows it (the e-mail-icon in the users profile page and in her/his entries). Furthermore the forum sends e-mails automatically in the case of the registration of a new user and the writing of a new forum entry.

As candleman stated in german language (I expect you not to be able to read it) this can lead to sending from a few e-mails to several hundred e-mails per day. He also described the interim solution to disable the function to notify a user about answers with an e-mail (should lower the amount of messages considerable) until version 2.5 is out (that takes a while). In this major version update we want to add an SMTP-class that circumvents sending e-mails with PHP over the sendmail interface of the webserver. Sending the e-mails via SMTP instead seems to be the way that is favoured by the most hosting companies.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

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