update.sql (Technics)
I am looking for the update.sql files, if exists, starting from v1.6.2 to the latest version or at least to v2.0 so I can apply the changes to the database myself.
by baxit, (2444 days ago)
I am looking for the update.sql files, if exists, starting from v1.6.2 to the latest version or at least to v2.0 so I can apply the changes to the database myself.
by Auge , (2434 days ago) @ baxit
I am looking for the update.sql files, if exists, starting from v1.6.2 to the latest version or at least to v2.0 so I can apply the changes to the database myself.
Sorry, we have no list of changes of the database back to version 1.6.2. Instead you can update to version after a backup of your current database. The install script provides update functions from version 1.3.x on up to
Once there was a script, that altered the database of 1.7.x to 2.0 but it got lost anywhen. The oldest version of My Little Forum 2.x that I found is 2.2 and its update script supports versions back to 2.0-RC1 but not an update from 1.x. Even the installation script takes an installation "over" an old forum not into account.
Maybe one of the other vetarans are able to provide further helpful informations.
@Alex, @Milo, @Alfie?
Tschö, Auge
Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!
by Alfie , Vienna, Austria, (2434 days ago) @ Auge
Hi Auge,
Maybe one of the other vetarans are able to provide further helpful informations.
@Alex, @Milo, @Alfie?
Sorry, I stick – intentionally – to your famous 1.8 beta.
Alfie (Helmut Schütz)
BEBA-Forum (v1.8β)
by Micha , (2433 days ago) @ Auge
I don't have a copy of this historical version.
applied-geodesy.org - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences
by Auge , (2407 days ago) @ baxit
Hello baxit
I am looking for the update.sql files, if exists, starting from v1.6.2 to the latest version or at least to v2.0 so I can apply the changes to the database myself.
Meanwhile another user came up with a link in a posting to a backup-and-update-script that exports the content of a mlf-1.7.x-installation in a format, that should matching the necessities of a mlf-2.1.x-installation and should therefore importable there. Currently I am working on a partially rewrite of the script because the script will not work on an actual PHP-version (PHP 7.0 or newer).
With an older version of PHP (below PHP 7.0) the script should run (untested) and provide a SQL-backup in the correct format for a reimport in mlf 2.2.
Tschö, Auge
Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!