Italian localization (Todo)

by bovirus, Saturday, June 15, 2013, 07:49 (3984 days ago) @ Micha


Italian language file update.

In localization-wiki thread you talk about 2.3 program version but my translation is for 2.3.1. I believe tht shopuld be ok.

I want to load the english language (that I checked you updated on May 2013).
When I select enghlish (2.3) in the translate page

appear a text about iPod and not the english text with strings for program.
What's the matter? How can view the latest english text file?

Could you enable the option also to downlaod (not only to view) the fiel with teh strings?

Now the italian language should be fully translated. I hope to see the green tick on it.

I verified that the buttons witdh on the right of edit box (when you post a message) is too short. the width is ok for english text but is too short for other langauges. Could you enlarge the button width? Now when you translate part of teh etxt is outside the button.

I'm talking about bold/italiac/link/color/size/list/image/upload7flash/TeX/code/more button. Is some acse (ex. image or size teh space for etxt is less than button width because you have an ion inside).


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