After update to 2.1: no storage of some settings (Technics)

by Floxx ⌂, Wednesday, July 08, 2009, 22:07 (5427 days ago)

Your MLF doesn't storing some of its settings?

During the script controlled update procedure from MLF 2.0 to 2.1 the script was terminated by a memory limitation (server side). The hoster of my site solved the problem by set up the limit to 64 MBytes. After that I started the update script again and now it workes well.

So I thought the update was done this time without trouble. The only sign of a hidden problem I saw in the new feature "BBCode for flash videos": It wasn't visible! What ever I set in the both setting pages, it wasn't visible and a check of the settings results in the cognition: the related setting wasn't stored!

Okay, the reason for this behavior you can find with PHPmyAdmin in the mlf2_settings table of the database. There were all the new entries (eg about the flash feature) entered twice! Obviously the broken script handling left bad traces in the database. After deleting all the duplicate settings to only one valid entry the problem was solved and the fash feature came up.

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