
BB-Code-Button for Code-Block (Features)

by Micha ⌂, Sunday, June 21, 2009, 14:53 (5446 days ago)


I have add a new Button to insert a Code-Block in the main textarea (with language). See the button-bar in forum on the right side.

It works like the default button "Bold", "Italic" etc. but with an additional popup.

List of files

  • <your lang>.lang
  • insert_code.inc.php (new)
  • insert_code.tpl (new)
  • posting.tpl.inc
  • index.php
  • style.css

I make the following changes:

some new entries in my lang file german.lang - please search for code to find the new keywords.

create a new File includes/insert_code.inc.php:

  header('Location: ../index.php');
 $langDir = "./modules/geshi/geshi";
 $codeLangs = array();
 if ($handle = @opendir($langDir)) {
  while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
   if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
    $codeLangs[] = strtoupper( substr($file, 0, strrpos ( $file, "." ) ) );
 // Hier ggf. eine Option im Adminbereich anpassen, sofern es optional sein solle; im Moment wird es immer, wenn BB-Code erlaubt ist, eingeblendet
 $template = 'insert_code.tpl'; 

create a new template file /templates/<default|or what ever>/insert_code.tpl:

{config_load file=$settings.language_file section="general"}{config_load file=$settings.language_file section="insert_code"}<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="{#language#}">
<title>{$settings.forum_name} - {#insert_code_page_title#}</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset={#charset#}" />
<meta name="DC.contributor" content="Michael Loesler - http://derletztekick.com">
<meta name="DC.rights" content="GNU-GPL">
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */
var selection = null;
var openerArea = null;
function getOpenerSelection(id) {
 if (opener.document.selection) { // IE
  openerArea = opener.document.getElementById(id);
  var str = opener.document.selection.createRange().text;
  var sel = opener.document.selection.createRange();
  return [sel, str, null];
 else if((typeof opener.document.getElementById(id).selectionStart) != 'undefined') { // Opera
  openerArea = opener.document.getElementById(id);
  var selLength = openerArea.textLength;
  var selStart = openerArea.selectionStart;
  var selEnd = openerArea.selectionEnd;
  var oldScrollTop = openerArea.scrollTop;
  var s1 = (openerArea.value).substring(0,selStart);
  var s2 = (openerArea.value).substring(selStart, selEnd);
  var s3 = (openerArea.value).substring(selEnd, selLength);
  openerArea.selectionStart = s1.length;
  openerArea.scrollTop = oldScrollTop;
  return [s1, s2, s3];
 return [null, "", null];
function insert_code(f, obj) {
 if (f && opener) {
  var lang = f.elements['code_lang'];
  var code = f.elements['code'];
  var tag = (lang[lang.selectedIndex].value == "inline")?"inlinecode":"code";
  var bbCode = "[" + tag + (lang[lang.selectedIndex].value==""||lang[lang.selectedIndex].value=="inline"?"":"="+lang[lang.selectedIndex].value) + "]";
  bbCode += code.value;
  bbCode += "[/" + tag + "]";
  if (selection[0] == null) {
   opener.insert("text", bbCode);
  else if (typeof selection[0] == 'object') { // IE
   selection[0].text = bbCode;
  else { // Opera
   openerArea.value = selection[0] + bbCode + selection[2];
function init() {
 var f = document.forms['codeForm'];
 if (f && opener) {
  selection = getOpenerSelection("text");
  f.elements['code'].value = selection[1];
var isDOMContentLoaded = false;
function addContentLoadListener () {
 if (document.addEventListener) {
  var DOMContentLoadFunction = function () {
   isDOMContentLoaded = true;
  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoadFunction, false);
 var oldonload = (window.onload || new Function());
 window.onload = function () {
  if (!isDOMContentLoaded) {
/* ]]> */</script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="templates/{$settings.template}/style.css" media="all" />
<body id="popup">
<div id="content">
<form id="codeForm" action="./">
 <p><label for="code_lang">{#code_lang#}</label>
 <select title={#insert_code_lang#} id="code_lang" name="code_lang" size="1">
  <option value="">{#insert_code_no_lang#}</option>
  <option value="inline">{#insert_code_inline#}</option>
  {foreach name='lang' from=$codeLangs item=lang} <option value="{$lang}">{$lang}</option> {/foreach}
 <p><label for="code">{#code#}</label>
 <textarea rows="12" cols="55" id="code" name="code"></textarea>
<p><input class="format-button" type="button" title="{#insert_code_button#}" value="{#insert_code_button#}" onclick="insert_code(this.form)" /></p>

add the new button near line 120

<input class="bbcode-button" type="button" name="image" value="{#bbcode_code_marking#}" title="{#bbcode_code_title#}" onclick="popup('index.php?mode=insert_code',600,525);" /><br />

add a new case:

  case 'insert_code':

I include the default css-file in the new template. To make it easier to adjust the popup-design to your forum-design, I add a new ID popup in the body-tag. So, you can do something like that:

body#popup {
 text-align: justify;
 margin: 20px auto; 
 padding: 0px; 
 max-width: auto;
 min-width: 0px;
 width: 90%;
 border: none;
 border: 1px solid #7D7F87;
body#popup fieldset {
 border: solid 1px #999;
 margin-bottom: 20px;

I hoppe, this feature is usefull and this documentation is complete and understandable! Maybe, it is a feature for the next version.


applied-geodesy.org - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences

BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Auge, Sunday, June 21, 2009, 18:12 (5446 days ago) @ Micha

Hello Milo

I think, your solution is a bit overcomplicated. Some people would miss the PopUp (blocked or a missed new tab instead a PopUp) and you (as an user) have to click three buttons for the inclusion of a code segment.

Some ideas for simplification:

The whole code is only usable with enabled JavaScript. But in this case you can create a new box inside the document instead to open a new window. In this box the user selects only the language for the code-BB-code and that's it. The result of this behavior is the insertion of the BB-codes into the textarea with the cursor between the start and the end tag. Now the user can write or copy his/her code into the textarea.

Alternatively it should be possible to mark a bunch of text (in this case: code) and set the needed BB-codes at the start and the end of the marked text. I see that this works with your code, but it's needed to copy the code to the PopUp to select the language and to bring it back into the textarea. Most other buttons (except upload and flash (here in the testforum)) works without PopUps and I think your CodeLanguagePicker can work so too.

As a side effect the code would has a lesser size and that fact would lead to a better maintainability (IMHO).

Apart from that it is a nice enhancement, respect!

Tschö, Auge


BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Micha ⌂, Sunday, June 21, 2009, 19:56 (5446 days ago) @ Auge

Hi Auge,

I think, your solution is a bit overcomplicated. Some people would miss the PopUp (blocked or a missed new tab instead a PopUp)

I think, a blocker-software do not block this popup because it is not a undesirable window.

The whole code is only usable with enabled JavaScript. But in this case you can create a new box inside the document instead to open a new window. In this box the user selects only the language for the code-BB-code and that's it.

Like the colorpicker? Yes, that's possible but, in my discretion, it is not a better solution because the php-script has to read the geshi-directory permanent. At the moment, the directory will only be read, if the list of languages are required. Isn't it the better way?

best regards

applied-geodesy.org - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences

BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Auge, Monday, June 22, 2009, 01:28 (5445 days ago) @ Micha

Hello Milo

I think, your solution is a bit overcomplicated. Some people would miss the PopUp (blocked or a missed new tab instead a PopUp)

I think, a blocker-software do not block this popup because it is not a undesirable window.

Yes, it's a desired window. I don't know if some browsers allow it to forbid PopUps for every case? It was only an idea. In other hand, if there is no needed window, there is no need to handle this window. :-)

... in this case you can create a new box inside the document instead to open a new window. In this box the user selects only the language for the code-BB-code and that's it.

Like the colorpicker? Yes, that's possible but, in my discretion, it is not a better solution because the php-script has to read the geshi-directory permanent.

What you mean with "permanent"? The script would read and act and write and do anything when the page is requested. When the page is supplied PHP's work is done. If you mean "every time the page is requested", yes that's the case (see below).

At the moment, the directory will only be read, if the list of languages are required. Isn't it the better way?

It's the same way (generally; some posters will not use code blocks). But, what's the problem to deliver a list of supported languages (I don't know geshi's code)? All other steps are independent from any external code. With the list you can build a JavaScript array into the source code of the page to build the box via JavaScript if the code button is pushed. Or you fetch the list via Ajax and build the box that way. What remains is to react to a click or something similar to put the BB-codes into the textarea. And that's done.

Tschö, Auge


BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Micha ⌂, Monday, June 22, 2009, 07:15 (5445 days ago) @ Auge


there is no need to handle this window. :-)

Maybe :-D

What you mean with "permanent"?

Everytime, if an user post a reply. It is irrelevant if the user need the code-button or not.

The script would read and act and write and do anything when the page is requested.

Yes but, if I use a popup, only the popup itself request the list and not the main window.

(generally; some posters will not use code blocks).

Some? In some form the word some is nearly zeros.

I overwork the current script and than we have an accord, okay?

Best ragards

applied-geodesy.org - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences

BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Auge, Monday, June 22, 2009, 09:09 (5445 days ago) @ Micha

Hello Milo

(generally; some posters will not use code blocks).

Some? In some form the word some is nearly zeros.

Maybe, no, better: shure. I use such buttons often in some forums. In other forums nobody ever will need the code button. :-)

I overwork the current script and than we have an accord, okay?

Hey, not that I was missleading. Every one thought I noted here is only an idea about my sight of the usability for such a feature. I can't programm this from scratch, you did. It is your baby and you have to decide what to do. Poke a bit around the ideas and take what is usable for you.

Tschö, Auge


BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Micha ⌂, Monday, June 22, 2009, 10:00 (5445 days ago) @ Auge

Hi Auge,

Hey, not that I was missleading.

No, thats not a problem!

I can't programm this from scratch, you did.

Why, I see you and your postings in the SELF-Form ;-)

It is your baby and you have to decide what to do.

Its not my babe, it is a feature, that I missed. A lot of user don't know about the code and inlinecode function and therefore they colored the code or write it without markup. So, I looked for a solution...


applied-geodesy.org - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences

BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Auge, Monday, June 22, 2009, 13:50 (5445 days ago) @ Micha

Hello Milo

I can't programm this from scratch, you did.

Why, I see you and your postings in the SELF-Form ;-)

This is a question. ;-)

Hach, the world is a village ... maybe a hamlet. When I see your linked URL I know that I know it. But I didn't know from where. :-)

And for the "I can't": I'm not a JavaScript programmer, Never was it and I think, I will never be. I coded only some very very little fragments to enhance the one or other downloaded JavaScript script, not more.

It is your baby and you have to decide what to do.

Its not my babe, it is a feature, that I missed.

Ok, correctly: This implementation is yours. :-)

A lot of user don't know about the code and inlinecode function and therefore they colored the code or write it without markup.

Yes, it's a pity to have this (IMHO great) feature and to hide it.

So, I looked for a solution...

... and you found one.

Tschö, Auge


BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Micha ⌂, Monday, June 22, 2009, 20:54 (5445 days ago) @ Auge


I overworked the script and add temp. a new Button called "Code2". That is, what you mean, isn't it?

Regards Micha

applied-geodesy.org - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences

BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Auge, Monday, June 22, 2009, 23:24 (5444 days ago) @ Micha


I overworked the script and add temp. a new Button called "Code2". That is, what you mean, isn't it?

Yes, that's it. I would only suggest to set the cursor between the BB-code-tags instead to select the tags [1]. Maybe the script can get a routine to find a better place for the box (if it's needed; read the height of the viewport, read the position of the clicked button and decide where to place the box with wich size (maybe with the CSS-setting overflow:auto; [2] for the case of a slim viewport).

Except from that there is nothing more to say from outside (I didn't read the source code). :-)

Great work

[1] see: SELFHTML-Artikel: Formulare: Text an Cursorposition einfügen for code example

[2] By the way: In a beta version of mlf2 it gave two code-tags, one for code blocks, another for inline code. Is that behaviour existent in the final releases too (Alex?)?

Tschö, Auge


BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Alfie ⌂, Vienna, Austria, Monday, June 22, 2009, 23:26 (5444 days ago) @ Micha

Hi Micha,

I followed your conversation with Auge with great delight. ;-)

[…] a new Button called "Code2".

That’s a nice one! Too bad, that I’m still using the 1.7x-version.

Alfie (Helmut Schütz)
BEBA-Forum (v1.8β)


BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Alfie ⌂, Vienna, Austria, Monday, June 22, 2009, 23:36 (5444 days ago) @ Auge
edited by Alfie, Monday, June 22, 2009, 23:44

Hi Auge!

[2] By the way: In a beta version of mlf2 it gave two code-tags, one for code blocks, another for inline code. Is that behaviour existent in the final releases too (Alex?)?

Let’s give it a try:
inlinecode: monospaced text within a single line (in Micha’s terminology: ‘im Kontext’)
--> foo <--

code: monospaced text with leading/trailing linefeeds (in Micha’s terminology: ‘nicht spezifiziert’)

foo   bar
===   ===

Therefore answer to [2]: Yes.

Alfie (Helmut Schütz)
BEBA-Forum (v1.8β)

BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Auge, Monday, June 22, 2009, 23:44 (5444 days ago) @ Alfie

Hello to Austria :-)

[…] a new Button called "Code2".

That’s a nice one!

Yes, it is. He does a great work. Let's have a look to the next versions, maybe it is (partially?) included into trunk.

Too bad, that I’m still using the 1.7x-version.

We have to decide if we want to take it up or to leave it. The last discussions about it left one year ago. Some of the features of the new version are very desirable. I made a little code clearance (correct HTTP-headers etc.) but that was only a first step.

Tschö, Auge

PS: Thank you for your explanations.


BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Alfie ⌂, Vienna, Austria, Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 00:14 (5444 days ago) @ Auge

Hello to Berlin - go there next month, or so... ;-)

Yes, it is. He does a great work. Let's have a look to the next versions, maybe it is (partially?) included into trunk.

Yeah, I would opt for it. In my forum people regularily post code in the statistical language R, which has a syntax closely related to C.

We have to decide if we want to take it up or to leave it.

Who’s ‘we’? In the forum of the 1.x branch just a few people posted code (Robert, you, me). One little enhancement I posted here was downloaded three times in 11 months. :-)

The last discussions about it left one year ago. Some of the features of the new version are very desirable.

Yes, absolutely. My forum is heavily patched - it took me ages to get the piece validated - but poorly documented. From time to time I study the v2.x-code just to realize that IMHO there are more differences than similarities. I considered upgrading a couple of times, but to be honest I’m afraid to repeat all the work I had already to do on v1.4 upwards.

I made a little code clearance (correct HTTP-headers etc.) but that was only a first step.

You are talking about 1.7x I guess?

Alfie (Helmut Schütz)
BEBA-Forum (v1.8β)


BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Micha ⌂, Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 07:02 (5444 days ago) @ Auge


Yes, that's it.

Okay. At the moment, it is a Quick&Dirty-Version. I fight with smarty and lost :-/ So, I belive Alex must adjust the code (past it to a external file to keep it more clear etc.).

I would only suggest to set the cursor between the BB-code-tags instead to select the tags [1]. Maybe the script can get a routine to find a better place for the box

I keep the code very small. That means I'm using only the JavaScripts, which are still avaible in mlf2. I don't add a new one. The Box is using Alex's JavaScript show_box('codepicker',40,-100);. I'm currently not sure, how I can calculate a better position (and set is to 40, -100). Maybe, Alex can help. The cursor position is also a part of the main.js and not one of me.

[2] By the way: In a beta version of mlf2 it gave two code-tags, one for code blocks, another for inline code.

See the answere from Alfie. It still works and I include both codes.

My changes:
Here, I add the directory read loop, thats not the best way but I found no outher :-/ I include it into the posting-case:

  case 'posting':
 $langDir = "./modules/geshi/geshi";
 $codeLangs = array();
 if ($handle = @opendir($langDir)) {
  while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
   if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
    $codeLangs[] = strtoupper( substr($file, 0, strrpos ( $file, "." ) ) );

I create a subtemplate called codepicker.tpl.inc

{config_load file=$settings.language_file section="general"}{config_load file=$settings.language_file section="insert_code"}
<div id="codepicker">
<p><a href="#" onclick="bbcode('text','code',''); hide_element('codepicker'); return false">{#insert_code_no_lang#}</a></p>
<p><a href="#" onclick="bbcode('text','inlinecode',''); hide_element('codepicker'); return false">{#insert_code_inline#}</a></p>
{foreach name='lang' from=$codeLangs item=lang} 
<p><a href="#" onclick="bbcode('text','code','{$lang}'); hide_element('codepicker'); return false">{$lang}</a></p>

at the posting.tpl.inc I add a button

<input class="bbcode-button" type="button" name="image" value="{#bbcode_code_marking#}" title="{#bbcode_code_title#}" onclick="show_box('codepicker',40,-100);" /><br />

and inclde the tpl at the end of this file

{include file="$template/subtemplates/codepicker.tpl.inc"}

Regards Micha

applied-geodesy.org - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences


BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Alex ⌂, Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 07:51 (5444 days ago) @ Micha

Hi Micha,

I overworked the script and add temp. a new Button called "Code2".

Very good! :ok: Should really be implemented into the next release!



BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Alfie ⌂, Vienna, Austria, Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 13:48 (5444 days ago) @ Alex
edited by Alfie, Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 14:47

Hi Alex & all,

you have already implemented it here... Very nice! ;-)

See also for a suggestion at the end of this post.

Testing the link, I discovered another difference in behaviour of v2 to v1. In the old forum an internal link with the 'msg=' BBCode opened the post according to the user’s preferences (thread/mix/board). Here the post is always opened in thread-mode (or whatever the correct term is). Bug or feature?

Alfie (Helmut Schütz)
BEBA-Forum (v1.8β)


Test version...

by Alex ⌂, Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 16:09 (5444 days ago) @ Alfie

you have already implemented it here... Very nice! ;-)

Here is a quick test implementation: my_little_forum_2.1_code_extension.zip

See also for a suggestion at the end of this post.

OK but what exactly do you hope to achieve by this? You're right that it isn't really necessary that the user contact forms are indexed by search engines. But the admin contact form should be, shouldn't it?

Testing the link, I discovered another difference in behaviour of v2 to v1. In the old forum an internal link with the 'msg=' BBCode opened the post according to the user’s preferences (thread/mix/board). Here the post is always opened in thread-mode (or whatever the correct term is). Bug or feature?

I would call it a "historical problem". ;-) From version 2 on I really wanted to get rid of these confusing "views". However, finally the "Table view" survived which is actually a crossover between the old "Board view" and "Mix view". From this view the postings are opened in the "complete thread" mode. This behavior isn't really logically explainable! Furthermore, no individual parsing of the postings is done anymore (performance optimization) which makes it impossible varying the links for each user.



Test version...

by Alfie ⌂, Vienna, Austria, Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 16:49 (5444 days ago) @ Alex

OK but what exactly do you hope to achieve by this? You're right that it isn't really necessary that the user contact forms are indexed by search engines. But the admin contact form should be, shouldn't it?

I’m not sure either. I’m getting about 100 spam e-mails daily from my forum’s e-mail address. Of course the sender is spoofed, but on the other hand I never published the address anywhere. Only registered users are allowed to post, the math captcha is active on the registration and contact form. I have invisible links to a honey pot in my template and at all pages of my site where an e-mail is given (only coded as HTML-entities), all links (to contact-forms, linked user’s HPs and to documents linked within posts are tagged with rel="nofollow". I’m daily sending the content of my junk-mail folder (KnujOn-Extension of Seamonkey/Thunderbird) to KnujOn. Persistent spammer’s are excluded from my site in .htaccess (getting a nice 403-page). Maybe I’m just paranoid – or only pissed off. ;-)
I would guess that spam-bots simply don’t care about rel="nofollow", but on the other hand what’s the use of crawling the site a couple of times (like following the link to 'User', etc.)? It just increases traffic.

[…] Bug or feature?

I would call it a "historical problem". ;-)

I see! :-D

Alfie (Helmut Schütz)
BEBA-Forum (v1.8β)

BB-Code-Button for Code-Block

by Auge, Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 15:12 (5443 days ago) @ Alfie


In my forum people regularily post code in the statistical language R, which has a syntax closely related to C.

R, ... for me a bohemian village. :-)

I made a little code clearance (correct HTTP-headers etc.) but that was only a first step.

You are talking about 1.7x I guess?

Yes, that's right.

Tschö, Auge

Test version...

by Auge, Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 15:26 (5443 days ago) @ Alfie


OK but what exactly do you hope to achieve by this?

... what’s the use of crawling the site a couple of times (like following the link to 'User', etc.)? It just increases traffic.

I think, that's the only relevant question. Is it necessary to index a concrete page? If the answer is no, the page itself and any other pages should be prepared to ensure the non indexing of the page (robots.txt, meta elements, rel-attribute, ...).

Tschö, Auge


Spam problem

by Alex ⌂, Thursday, June 25, 2009, 09:37 (5442 days ago) @ Alfie

I’m not sure either. I’m getting about 100 spam e-mails daily ...

Hm, that's interesting. For me, spam isn't the big problem anymore as it used to be a few years ago. But I'm not sure if really less spam is sent. Maybe the spam filters meanwhile just work better.



Spam problem

by Alfie ⌂, Vienna, Austria, Thursday, June 25, 2009, 17:15 (5442 days ago) @ Alex

[...] But I'm not sure if really less spam is sent. Maybe the spam filters meanwhile just work better.

Lucky you! I have SpamAssassin on my server and a Baysian filter in my local client, but still...

Alfie (Helmut Schütz)
BEBA-Forum (v1.8β)


updated Russian.lang for this release

by Alex ⌂, Friday, June 26, 2009, 07:54 (5441 days ago) @ Urfin®

Hi Urfin,

you can take it here

Thank you very much! This translation should also work with version 2.1. I just found a few missing strings (marked with <!-- TODO -->): russian.lang


corrected Russian.lang for this release

by Urfin® ⌂ @, Thursday, July 02, 2009, 10:15 (5435 days ago) @ Alex

Thank you very much! This translation should also work with version 2.1. I just found a few missing strings (marked with <!-- TODO -->)

yes, it works with 2.1.
updated russian.lang

some little changes :)

by Urfin® ⌂ @, Friday, July 10, 2009, 20:34 (5427 days ago) @ Urfin®

updated russian.lang

changed strings:

no_text =                   - Тут ничего нет! -
no_text_alt =               Пустое сообщение

some little changes :)

by esthetique, Monday, September 28, 2009, 18:39 (5347 days ago) @ Urfin®



some changes for 2.13

by Urfin® ⌂, Russia, Monday, February 01, 2010, 15:15 (5221 days ago) @ esthetique


на здоровье! :)

updated russian.lang


for 2.1.3, of course :)

by Urfin® ⌂, Russia, Tuesday, February 02, 2010, 07:39 (5220 days ago) @ Urfin®

- No text -

no bees - no honey,
no business - no money

RSS Feed of thread