Smilies not clickabol. (General)
Similes won't click.
by markp1313, (1276 days ago)
Similes won't click.
by Taurec, (1276 days ago) @ markp1313
Looks like the forum's JavaScript (posting.js/posting.min.js) is not loaded. There should be a whole bunch of formatting buttons, which are also not shown.
I had this after doing some mistakes in manipulating the posting.js or using bad JavaScript minifiers, which generated a corrupted minification.
It may also be, that the forum address in the forum's settings is inavild, not matching the real URL (or containing an unnecessary forward slash at the end?), causing the JavaScript files (including main.js/main.min.js and admin.js/admin.min.js) not getting loaded at all.
by markp1313 , (1274 days ago) @ Taurec
Thanks, I found the problem.
I put some HTML on top of the index.php
* my little forum - a simple PHP and MySQL based internet forum that displays
* the messages in classical threaded view
* @author Mark Alexander Hoschek < alex at mylittleforum dot net >
* @author Michael Lösler (
* @author Heiko August (
* @copyright 2006-2018 Mark Alexander Hoschek
* @version 2.4.24 (2020-10-12)
* @link
When I do the smiles wont click and I can't delete anything.
Is there a way to put html at the top and still have the forum work right?
by Taurec, (1273 days ago) @ markp1313
There isn't supposed to be any HTML at the top of the index.php (or any PHP-File). The HTML code of the forum is all laid down in the template files in the themes folder. Defining additional code in the PHPs is not only bad style but will also lead to invalid page source code, because only one pair of HTML tags per page is allowed. By executing the automatic generated HTML code, the browser seems to be correcting the inavild code, adding its own empty head section and starting the body section where your individual content begins, ignoring the original head section. That's why the JavaScript isn't loaded.
Is there a way to put html at the top and still have the forum work right?
Any additional HTML content must be defined in the folder themes/default (if required replacing "default" by the name of your theme). The file main.tpl contains the html structure of the forum. Additional content has to be defined after
<body class="tex2jax_ignore">
by markp1313 , (1272 days ago) @ Taurec
<!DOCTYPE html>
<frameset rows="*,*,">
<frame src="My own HTML.html">
<frame src="">
Would this work?
by Taurec, (1272 days ago) @ markp1313
edited by Taurec,
The frameset tag is deprecated since HTML 5.
Try this instead:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <iframe src="My own HTML.html"></iframe> <iframe src=""></iframe> </body> </html>
The iframe is stylable like any other HTML element. If you don't want the frames to appear side by side, you have to define them as block elements. Additionaly it could be recommendable to stretch it to 100 % page width, adjust the individual iframe's heights and get rid of the borders and page margins. This could look as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> html, body { height: 100%; margin: 0; } iframe { display: block; width: 100%; border: 0; } #one { height: 20%; } #two { height: 80%; } </style> </head> <body> <iframe id="one" src="My own HTML.html"></iframe> <iframe id="two" src=""></iframe> </body> </html>
See here for additional info.
by markp1313 , (1272 days ago) @ Taurec
Thanks ill give it a try!