Question about IP listing (General)

by Ecker, Thursday, April 26, 2018, 15:08 (2193 days ago)

I believe in total privacy, is there a admin function to stop the ip
from posting on the forum. but still keep the ip in the data for admin
control over the forum


Question about IP listing

by Auge ⌂, Friday, April 27, 2018, 06:58 (2192 days ago) @ Ecker


I hope, I understood your question the right way.

... is there a admin function to stop the ip from posting on the forum.

An administrator can use the blocklist function to register bad words, user names and also IPs and IP-blocks that should be blocked from posting in the forum or to be posted in the case of bad words.

but still keep the ip in the data for admin control over the forum

These lists are handled independently from the IP of a visitor, that could be a temporary part of a forum entries record.

But, to be fair, to register an IP is often not very practicable because the internet connection of many users (at least in many coutries in Europe) gets interrupted once a day and in that case, the connection gets often another IP when reestablished. Not only, that the user is able to post again because of the now used, not blocked IP but also another user could be blocked because she/he is now the one with the blocked IP. That's not very likely but it's not impossible.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

Question about IP listing

by Ecker, Friday, April 27, 2018, 15:58 (2192 days ago) @ Auge

I think for privacy ip's should not show in the post, but
still show in the admin so control over bad actors can be

Question about IP listing

by Hmm., Friday, April 27, 2018, 22:51 (2191 days ago) @ Ecker

Die Ip in Klammern (bracket) ist ja nur sichtbar, wenn du als 'admin' eingeloggt bist.

Schon ein 'Moderator' sieht da nichts davon, geschweige denn der 'gemeine Benutzer'..

Thank you

by Ecker, Saturday, April 28, 2018, 02:28 (2191 days ago) @ Hmm.

I guess I should log-in as a common user. For some reason I never thought to do that.
Again thank you

Yes Sir Thank you very much

by Ecker, Saturday, April 28, 2018, 02:32 (2191 days ago) @ Ecker

- No text -

Thank you

by candleman ⌂, Saturday, April 28, 2018, 10:48 (2191 days ago) @ Ecker

I guess I should log-in as a common user. For some reason I never thought to do that.
Again thank you

Dringende Empfehlung:

Wenn du am Regelbetrieb des Forums als Diskutant teilnimmst, solltest du das mit einem normalen "User"account tun, nicht als "admin"

Das Risiko ist sehr gross, dass du bei Anmeldung als admin im Forenbetrieb aus Versehen statt zu antworten Beiträge editierst (Eigene Erfahrung)

ICH logge mich NUR als admin ein, wenn Admintätigkeiten anstehn.

Die Forenuser wissen, dass ich als "hausmeister" und als "User" zwei accounts habe.

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