
management of uploaded files (Features)

by Auge ⌂, Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 13:15 (2320 days ago)


I made the first step to make a big enhancement in the management of the uploaded files. At the moment it's a hassle to check the list of uploaded files as an admin. One has only access to this list in the upload-popup, the link disappears, when an image was uploaded from this form, only 5 images are displayed at one time, the navigation bar moves out of the viewport if one scrolls to the second (or maybe the third) image (when the popup is in its default size) and last but not least, a mod or admin can delete images only one by one.

As the first step I created in a testing installation a new view in the admin area to list the images. At the moment I have no idea if moderators should be able to access this list and how to handle this task with a function inside the admins area. Also at the moment a hardcoded limit of 20 images gets displayed (a pagination will be implemented). Every image entry gets it's own checkbox to select it for a joint delete-operation.


Furthermore every image should be able to open an infobox with the meta data of the file.

- name and date of the file
- size on disk
- usage in postings (if, then in the future)
- uploader (if, then in the future)

That's not implemented yet.

This is a first attempt and not the final solution. I am open for proposals and for suggestions for improvement but I do not promise to implement any (in the meaning of "all") of the provided ideas.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

discussion, 2.5 feature


management of uploaded files, introduction

by Auge ⌂, Friday, March 30, 2018, 10:54 (2311 days ago) @ Auge


Yesterday I requested areview of the pull request for the base of the new uploads management feature. With only that function an admin is able to view a list of all uploaded images in the admin area. A new setting for the number of images, that should be displayed on one page, should be established (name: uploads_per_page, default value: 20).

There is a new item in the admins menu named "manage uploads".


Following the link, the admin gets a list of images with a preview of the image and a checkbox per image to select them for deletion. In the opening message of this thread I showed a screenshot with checkboxes directly below the images and because of that i different heights. Meanwhile I managed to display them at the bottom of the block. Additionally the pagination menu occured.


When the result is submitted, one gets a list of the selected images to confirm the selection for deletion. The list has until now no proper layout but that will change in the near future.


After submitting this form, the images will be removed from the file system and the admin gets redirected back to the uploads list. Until now there is no confirmation about the success of the deletion of the uploads.

So far from me. Comments and proposals are welcome.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

2.5, feature, discussion, uploads

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