Archive? (General)

by Wendell, Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 15:29 (3766 days ago) @ Alfie

Would it be safe to simply delete all entries from mlf_entries_cache? Would it regenerate the cache on its own or would I be breaking the site?

In my understanding [sic] the former. The scripts should look up whether an entry with the same id already exists in mlf_entries_cache, and – if not – generate a new entry with rendered HTML. Untested (I don’t run mlf 2.x). Suggestion: Delete one entry of the cache table in the database, call the post in the forum, and check whether a new entry is generated.

I have tested this theory and it works. I completely erased all entries in the mlf_entries_cache table and it is repopulating itself. Thank you!

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