
Italian localization (Todo)

by Micha ⌂, Saturday, June 15, 2013, 09:35 (3962 days ago) @ bovirus


Please check that there is a problem on translation about "mehr" button ("Altre faccine" in italian / "Other smiles" in english)" and relative ballon help.

Yes, you are right. It is a bug. The default language is used. I will check the source code next time.

Which is the button width (in pixel) that you set in your forum?

My css-changes (only width-parameters):

#bbcode-bar button{width:102px;}
#smiley-bar button.default{width:50px}
#smiley-bar button.more-smilies{width:102px;}

It's important also to understand the differences about english.lng that you posted today, and the file included in source archive distribution.

I make a copy of the current lang file of this forum.


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