
Umzug von PHP4 auf PHP5 - notwendige Tests (German / Deutsch)

by Micha ⌂, Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 12:27 (4268 days ago) @ Tommy Nilsson 2
edited by Micha, Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 12:35

Hi Tommy,

I found the reason for problem in the IE-browser. You have to edit the main.js (main.min.js), too:


document.createInputElementWithAttributes = function(tagName, attributes, parentElement) {
 // some code
 catch(err) {
  // Adding a BLANK between the quote and the word TYPE 
  var attr = " type=" + type +(name?" name=" + name : "");
  // --------^ New Blank! 
  //el = document.createElement('<'+tagName+' type="'+type+'">');
  el = document.createElement("<" + tagName + attr + ">");


catch(e){var g=" type="+h+(a?" name="+a:"");

Now, it works and looks good for me - can you confirm?

(Here my modified main.min.js)

Regards Micha

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