
Unregistered people sending spam e-mail (Features)

by Auge ⌂, Sunday, June 20, 2010, 12:20 (5058 days ago) @ davwat


What I am concerned about is that registered users are advising me that that they are receiving spam email which is being sent from the forum, they know the email is generated from the forum as each email they receive states so.

Users then ask me what I am doing to prevent them receiving the spam emails. All I can do is to reply and tell them I can't do anything. They can of course change their settings so their email address is not contactable but they do not want to do this as they still want other registered users to be able to contact them.

Ok, I state that I misunderstood your posting.

In checking on many other forums to see how this situation is handled, I have clicked on email icons or similar and every time I am advised that I must be a registered user to send an email. I have yet to find a forum where I am able to send an email to a user without being registered.

Yes, most of the forum scripts makes it possible to send emails only from and to registered users (if this is wished).

I have a contact form on my websites for people to contact me which is not part of the forum. I notice Alex has the same on this website and I imagine you have also on your website.

I have a contact form too on my site. :-)

But im my opinion the forum should have a separate form to contact the admin. In some cases the forum is the only content of the site and then you'll need this form. For the registered users of the forum is it reasonable to get emails only from other registered users if the forum is only open for registered users.

So it is required to take away the link to send an email to a user for non registered users (if it is wished by the user or the admin). It is also required to check the state of a potential poster (email sender) in the form script.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

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