Forgotten password email problem (General)

by Auge, Monday, November 16, 2009, 00:44 (5296 days ago) @ Mark Watson



Yes, everyone (except Alex) can't help. (wrong negotiation?)

... but, that is not true.

I think I know the code wich cause the error. All facts are based on mlf 2.1.1.

The facts:

  • generate a random string, a SHA1-hash based on the random string and push these data into the database and via email to the user
  • get back a request from the link in the email, make a comparision of the hashed code from the database and the random string from the email (URL-parameter code), if the comparision is successfull send a second email with the now generated password (at this point the error occurs!)
  • log in with the data from the second email

There is a difference between the ways, the two emails are sended. First one is sended via the function my_mail (includes/, line 2052) where the headers and the subject are processed before sending the email. The second email is sended direct via mail (includes/, line 254). Headers are processed in a different way, so the error will be included in the source code of the email.

Please backup the file forum/includes/ and change the content as follows. the first shown line ($lang['new_pw_email_txt'] ...) is 242.

includes/ (old):

      $lang['new_pw_email_txt'] = str_replace("[name]", $field['user_name'], $lang['new_pw_email_txt']);
      $lang['new_pw_email_txt'] = str_replace("[password]", $new_pw, $lang['new_pw_email_txt']);
      $lang['new_pw_email_txt'] = str_replace("[login_link]", $settings['forum_address'].basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."?mode=login&username=".urlencode($field['user_name'])."&userpw=".$new_pw, $lang['new_pw_email_txt']);
      $lang['new_pw_email_txt'] = $lang['new_pw_email_txt'];
      $header = "From: ".my_mb_encode_mimeheader($settings['forum_name'], CHARSET, "Q")." <".$settings['forum_email'].">". MAIL_HEADER_SEPARATOR;
      $header .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=" . CHARSET . MAIL_HEADER_SEPARATOR;
      $header .= "Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit". MAIL_HEADER_SEPARATOR;
      $new_pw_mailto = my_mb_encode_mimeheader($field['user_name'], CHARSET, "Q")." <".$field['user_email'].">";
        if (@mail($new_pw_mailto, my_mb_encode_mimeheader($lang['new_pw_email_sj'], CHARSET, "Q"), $lang['new_pw_email_txt'], $header,$settings['mail_parameter']))
          header("location: index.php?mode=login&login_message=pw_sent");
          die("<a href=\"index.php?mode=login&login_message=pw_sent\">further...</a>");
        else die($lang['mail_error']);
        if (@mail($new_pw_mailto, my_mb_encode_mimeheader($lang['new_pw_email_sj'], CHARSET, "Q"), $lang['new_pw_email_txt'], $header))
          header("location: index.php?mode=login&login_message=pw_sent");
          die("<a href=\"index.php?mode=login&login_message=pw_sent\">further...</a>");
        else die($lang['mail_error']);

includes/ (new):

      $lang['new_pw_email_txt'] = str_replace("[name]", $field['user_name'], $lang['new_pw_email_txt']);
      $lang['new_pw_email_txt'] = str_replace("[password]", $new_pw, $lang['new_pw_email_txt']);
      $lang['new_pw_email_txt'] = str_replace("[login_link]", $settings['forum_address'].basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."?mode=login&username=".urlencode($field['user_name'])."&userpw=".$new_pw, $lang['new_pw_email_txt']);
      $lang['new_pw_email_txt'] = $lang['new_pw_email_txt'];
      $new_pw_mailto = my_mb_encode_mimeheader($field['user_name'], CHARSET, "Q")." <".$field['user_email'].">";
      if(my_mail($new_pw_mailto, $lang['new_pw_email_sj'], $lang['new_pw_email_txt']))
        header("location: index.php?mode=login&login_message=pw_sent");
        die("<a href=\"index.php?mode=login&login_message=pw_sent\">further...</a>");
      else die($lang['mail_error']);

The check if($settings['mail_parameter']!=''), wich is including the whole mail sending code in the old version of the file, is present inside the function my_mail. So it is not needed at this location anymore.

Please try it and leave a message here.

Tschö, Auge

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