
resize images in forum? (Technics)

by Micha ⌂, Sunday, November 01, 2009, 13:50 (5283 days ago) @ Don Dubuque


Whats wrong?

It is not implemented yet, but I make some changes in the functions.inc.php (line: 432ff - function: do_bbcode_img) and it seems that it works ;-)

Now, you can using one of the following conventions:

/* Old ones */
// Default

// float: left

// float: right

/* New ones */
// width: 150px; height: 200px (in general: WWWxHHH)

// width: 150px; height: 200px; float: left (in general: WWWxHHH,left)

// width: 150px; height: 200px; float: right (in general: WWWxHHH,right)

Here, my Modification:

 * processes BBCode images
function do_bbcode_img($action, $attributes, $content, $params, &$node_object) 
  $regExp = "/^([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)(,(left|right))?$/"; 
  if ($action == 'validate') 
      return false;
      // [img]image[/img]
      if(!isset($attributes['default'])) return true;
      // [img=xxx]image[/img]
      elseif(isset($attributes['default']) && ($attributes['default']=='left' || $attributes['default']=='right')) return true;
   // [img=WWWxHHH]image[/img]
   elseif(isset($attributes['default']) && (preg_match($regExp, $attributes['default'], $imgOptions))) return true;
      else return false;
    // [img]image[/img]
    if(!isset ($attributes['default'])) return '<img src="'.htmlspecialchars($content).'" alt="[image]" />';
 // [img=WWWxHHH]image[/img] oder [img=WWWxHHH,left|right]image[/img]
 if(preg_match($regExp, $attributes['default'], $imgOptions)) {
  // Auslesen der Bildgroesse
  $imgSize = "width:" . $imgOptions[1] . "px;height:" . $imgOptions[2] . "px;";
  // ggf. ist left bzw. right auch gesetzt. Da Pruefung unten erfolgt, kann hier einfach
  // der letzte Wert aus dem Option-Array uebergeben werden.
  $attributes['default'] = $imgOptions[count($imgOptions)-1];
  $imgSize = "";
 // [img=xxx]image[/img]
 if($attributes['default']=='left') $padding='0px 10px 10px 0px';
 elseif($attributes['default']=='right') $padding='0px 0px 10px 10px';
 else $padding='0px'; // wann tritt das ein???
 return '<img src="'.htmlspecialchars($content).'" style="'.htmlspecialchars($imgSize).'float:'.htmlspecialchars($attributes['default']).';padding:'.$padding.';" alt="[image]" />';


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