you can't change view order? (General)

by Eric ⌂ @, Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 20:38 (5384 days ago) @ Vik

I went into the main.tpl file and added .?mode=index&thread_order=1 into the first div.

<div id="top">
<div class="left"> 
{if $settings.home_linkname}<p class="home"><a href="{$settings.home_linkaddress}">{$settings.home_linkname}</a></p>{/if}
<a href=".?mode=index&thread_order=1"

This forces it into the view we want. I assume the cookies do their thing and keep it into this view once they have clicked the links.

I know its a cheap work around.

Does anyone have any other ways of doing this?

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