
BB-Code-Button for Code-Block (Features)

by Micha ⌂, Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 07:02 (5414 days ago) @ Auge


Yes, that's it.

Okay. At the moment, it is a Quick&Dirty-Version. I fight with smarty and lost :-/ So, I belive Alex must adjust the code (past it to a external file to keep it more clear etc.).

I would only suggest to set the cursor between the BB-code-tags instead to select the tags [1]. Maybe the script can get a routine to find a better place for the box

I keep the code very small. That means I'm using only the JavaScripts, which are still avaible in mlf2. I don't add a new one. The Box is using Alex's JavaScript show_box('codepicker',40,-100);. I'm currently not sure, how I can calculate a better position (and set is to 40, -100). Maybe, Alex can help. The cursor position is also a part of the main.js and not one of me.

[2] By the way: In a beta version of mlf2 it gave two code-tags, one for code blocks, another for inline code.

See the answere from Alfie. It still works and I include both codes.

My changes:
Here, I add the directory read loop, thats not the best way but I found no outher :-/ I include it into the posting-case:

  case 'posting':
 $langDir = "./modules/geshi/geshi";
 $codeLangs = array();
 if ($handle = @opendir($langDir)) {
  while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
   if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
    $codeLangs[] = strtoupper( substr($file, 0, strrpos ( $file, "." ) ) );

I create a subtemplate called codepicker.tpl.inc

{config_load file=$settings.language_file section="general"}{config_load file=$settings.language_file section="insert_code"}
<div id="codepicker">
<p><a href="#" onclick="bbcode('text','code',''); hide_element('codepicker'); return false">{#insert_code_no_lang#}</a></p>
<p><a href="#" onclick="bbcode('text','inlinecode',''); hide_element('codepicker'); return false">{#insert_code_inline#}</a></p>
{foreach name='lang' from=$codeLangs item=lang} 
<p><a href="#" onclick="bbcode('text','code','{$lang}'); hide_element('codepicker'); return false">{$lang}</a></p>

at the posting.tpl.inc I add a button

<input class="bbcode-button" type="button" name="image" value="{#bbcode_code_marking#}" title="{#bbcode_code_title#}" onclick="show_box('codepicker',40,-100);" /><br />

and inclde the tpl at the end of this file

{include file="$template/subtemplates/codepicker.tpl.inc"}

Regards Micha

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