smilies not working (General)

by Auge, Friday, June 19, 2009, 23:19 (5445 days ago) @ 1Guy


The JavaScript files are present? DO NOT KNOW. How can I check?

Compare the filenames in the directory on the webserver with the files wich are included in the download file. There should be one or some files with the ending ".js". This file/these files should be located at the same place on both side (local and webserver).

There are no changes in the code? Just Adsense in Header and footer.


The JavaScript files will be loaded together with the form?
Don't Know. Where they with all the other files?

Wich browser do you use? If you have access to a Firefox I advice to install the add-on "Live HTTP Headers" (google for it). If you activate the add-on you get a statistic of the HTTP-headers for every page you will load. So: load the add-on and then load the posting page. Now you will see all sended and received HTTP-headers for the request at the sidebar or page of the add-on. You will see the header of the page itself, all graphic files and the JavaScript file too (the headers for request and for receiving (if possible)).

Tschö, Auge

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