
Disable one of the views (General)

by Alex ⌂, Saturday, March 07, 2009, 10:03 (5522 days ago) @ Michael Ben-Nes

I wish to disable one of the views (table), is it possible through the configuration?

From version 2 on the "views" are just a template issue (both views use the same back-end). The easiest way to deactivate the table view would be removing the link to toggle between the views (templates/default/subtemplates/subnavigation_2.tpl.inc: search for {#table_view#}). Additional, you could modify includes/index.inc.php in order to prevent requests for the table view:

replace ...

if($user_view==1) $smarty->assign('subtemplate','index_table.tpl.inc');
else $smarty->assign('subtemplate','index.tpl.inc');

... by ...



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