editing service width and background colors (General)

by sachin, Tuesday, March 03, 2009, 21:50 (5586 days ago)

I need help to change background colors, set the width of forum service to display in webpage and to set the position of 'post reply' near to 'back to forum index'.

editing service width and background colors

by Auge, Wednesday, March 04, 2009, 18:27 (5585 days ago) @ sachin


I need help to change background colors, set the width of forum service to display in webpage ...

That's all CSS issues. As an example: If you want to change the backgound colour of the area between head and foot (standard: white) you have to change the setting for the element with the ID 'content'. Search for '#content' in the CSS file and alter the property of 'background-color:#...;'.

... and to set the position of 'post reply' near to 'back to forum index'.

I doubt that this would be useful. As first I would read the posting and decide then if I want to answer. I would expect this procedure reflected in the structure of the page.

But, to help you, you have to alter the script to set the link to another place in the HTML-source or you have to set a CSS property (position:relative; or position:absolute; with settings for left:...; and top:...;) for the link to put it to the wanted position. For the second way: You can't be sure that it is displayed as you wants it.

Tschö, Auge

editing service width and background colors

by sachin, Thursday, March 05, 2009, 05:36 (5584 days ago) @ Auge


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