Customisation (General)

by pema, Friday, July 18, 2008, 11:29 (5758 days ago)

Hi, firstly i'd like to say thankyou for such a great forum, here's to all your hard work :-)

Ok, I need to know how to set a 'introduction' page for my home page which everyone will go to when they visit the base url of my site; is this possible? without redirecting to a sub directory i.e /forum/?

Further more the font on the image captcha is too small, i found out how to change the background.png but not how to alter the size of the font to be bigger for my poor sight. Also what font extensions does this module recognise.

One last thing, the images in my posts, there uploading through the popup window and displaying in the popup window but not appearing in the posts, any likely reason for this?

Thanks for your time and help,
Long live 'my little forum'

pema :)


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