
mlf doesn't keep me logged in (IE6) (Bugs)

by Alfie ⌂, Vienna, Austria, Thursday, May 29, 2008, 19:43 (5811 days ago) @ bttr
edited by Alfie, Thursday, May 29, 2008, 23:13

I'm sure!
The problem is, that I wasn't successful reproducing it. I've noticed the 'hidden text' already some months ago, but only rarely. So I didn't care. Today I played a little bit around (clearing cache, login, close IE, blabla,...), but I wasn't able to reproduce it...
I wouldn't bother too much.
Actually I don't use IE regularily, so testing with this piece of ... always brings me close to [image]ing.

Another point (attention: thread shift phenomenon!): since 2.x uses relative font sizes in CSS (Yippee!), we end up with the well known effect that every IE below v7 has its own ideas about the meaning of

body { font-size: 100.1%; }

So the site looks simply ugly to me.
What I use in my forum is a conditional comment in the <head> of the template, namely:

<!--[if (gte IE 5.5)&(lt IE 7)]>
  <style type="text/css">
    body { font-size:83%; }

What do you think?

Alfie (Helmut Schütz)
BEBA-Forum (v1.8β)


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